Executive Coaching
Executive coaching involves one-on-one sessions that help you recognize old, unhelpful patterns that are holding you back from realizing your true leadership potential. Individual coaching helps you develop your leadership style, communicate with greater impact, prioritize and delegate more effectively, and wield more influence in the workplace. A holistic approach helps you maintain optimal life-work balance to maximize your energy and perform at your highest level.
Why Do Executives Work with a Coach?
Executives seek coaching for a variety of reasons, including to help them:
Avoid burnout and maintain balance in their personal and professional lives.
Identify and overcome internal barriers and obstacles.
Cope with—and thrive during—changes happening in the organization.
Grow as a leader and enjoy personal growth.
Identify areas of need and create strategic goals for the organization or team.
The Benefits of Executive Coaching
The benefits of executive coaching will show up in both your professional life and your personal life. Working with an executive coach provides executives with:
Increased emotional intelligence and soft skills
A neutral sounding board
Personal and professional accountability
Better communication skills
Honest and productive feedback
Enhanced productivity
Increased motivation and drive
Renewed passion for your work
How Does Executive Coaching Work?
Executive coaching is a one-on-one relationship between a coach and a client. Sessions are scheduled for 60 minutes normally, which can take place in person, over the phone, or via video conferencing. Sessions may occur every week, or they may be bi-weekly. I work with clients for a duration of three, six, or twelve months.
During coaching sessions, I help you recognize old, unhelpful patterns that are holding you back from realizing your true leadership potential. Individual executive coaching helps you develop an effective leadership style, communicate with greater impact, prioritize and delegate more effectively, and wield more influence in the workplace. We take a holistic approach that addresses your specific needs to help you maximize your energy, maintain optimal life-work balance, and perform at your highest level.
Why Choose Jesse as a coach?
I am a certified and experienced executive coach that has an entrepreneur and corporate background that helps me understand the unique issues faced by the modern workforce. I work with individuals and teams to help people become more effective leaders and increase the organization’s bottom line. Whether you’re an executive in a large firm or an entrepreneur working to grow your business, I can help you maximize your potential, capitalize on your relationships, and hone the soft skills that drive success. Contact me today for a free initial consultation, and let me know how I can help you excel in your field.
Think Space
It's lonely at the top. Constantly keeping an eye on the now and the horizon and managing everything in between is a tough yet rewarding experience. Entrepreneurship is certainly the road less traveled and it's not for just anyone.
What makes a successful entrepreneur?
Decisive decision making
A healthy relationship with failure
Balance of logic and emotion
Motivation and drive
Consistency in action and behavior
These are just a few of the skills that contribute to a successful entrepreneurship journey. Most of us are workaholics and separating that work from you and home is a sticky task. Let alone knowing if we are actually demonstrating the skills that will contribute to the success of the business. The only way is through support with coaching.

Over time I have worked with numerous people in high-level positions and this is the one thing that kept coming up in demand. Think of me as the support character in a hero movie, just here to help you the hero get where you want to be.
This package is focused on helping you the creative entrepreneur and leader, to build upon and enhance your leadership and performance personally and professionally. By providing you with a “thinking space” as a sounding board, we create a thought partnership that is innovative and fosters fresh perspectives that help you work through issues and generate new ideas.
This think partnership is a place that is private, confidential, and unbiased to test out the real ideas that generate successes, create the impact you seek.
The real fact is that founders get pushed out by investors and boards all the time in a matter of 3 or 4 years.
Emotional intelligence is overlooked by entrepreneurs and can be the very thing that helps prevent burnout, make better decisions, become a skilled communicator, and successfully navigate partner and staff relationships.
Think partnership to overcome barriers and avoid burnout
Leadership awareness and capacity
Co-founder/partner relationships and communication
Managing board and investor relationships
Moving beyond the start-up: Continuing to build a successful and scalable business
Click here to book a session and learn more about how having your own think space will help you!
Leadership Coaching
Are you a leader in Tech with a background in engineering, web development, sciences or IT? Your unique backgrounds in technology mean your strengths likely lay in analyses and problem solving, two great strengths in successful leaders. You also may lack the formal training in the soft skills that are paramount in helping tech teams and organizations realize their potential.
My coaching program moves you through learning about your strengths and how to leverage them, assess and strengthen your communication, influencing skills and what motivates you. This helps prepare you for future success in leading your teams and organizations.
This is what some of my clients have to say about working with me